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DoBots / imbusy-app
Apache License 2.0App that detects when you're busy (by BLE) and will send this status to your contacts.
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DoBots website. Based on Jekyll with a few plugins. Feel free to use, but please remove the content! :-)
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DoBots / camera_image_exporter
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseUpdated -
DoBots / jupyter-ros
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseJupyter widget helpers for ROS, the Robot Operating System
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DoBots / rosdistro
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseThis repo maintains a lists of repositories for each ROS distribution
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The Dotty robot is a 3D printable robot, with wireless charging, and a smartphone as brain.
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Almende / dht
Apache License 2.0Kademlia inspired DHT implementation in Java, for usage in Eve
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Almende / TuneSwarm
Apache License 2.0A multi-agent demonstration project, having smartphone play a tune together
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Almende / sensorDB
Apache License 2.0Updated