expired on Jan 15, 2017
Minor Release v4.18
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Graph2D breaks when zooming in/out
- Node with id=0 cannot be deleted
- IE11 - 'Symbol' is undefined when trying to use network
- [Timeline] [dev branch] Major axis labels displaying wrong value
- Right button (contextmenu) while dragging item makes items uneditable
- [Timeline] Add an option to HTML tool-tips to make them follow the cursor
- [Timeline] itemover & itemout fired multiple times in HTML items
- Timeline option `throttleRedraw` was removed without increasing MAJOR version number
- Tooltip causes issues when changing node to cluster
- How to change node height
- Invalid type received for "enabled". Expected: bool. Received [boolean] "false"
- Incompatibility with datejs; mis-use of Date.parse
- Timeline rolling mode breaks graph2D
- itemSet is not defined for graph2D
- can we format minor labels
- mousedown mouseup not working on vis
- doubleClick Events it not fired.
- Setting dot color in Graph3d 'dot-color' mode
- vis.js is not compatible with YUI Compressor due to use of reserved words
- Timeline onMove callback
- util.topMost function failing
- Timeline drag-and-drop does not work in Internet Explorer
- Width/height options for network elements
- Editing an Item for the first time doesn't work
- Timeline items disappearing when using groups (_isGroupVisible bug)
- Editing groups doesn't work
- Option to vertically scroll instead of zoom on timeline
- Timeline: Can't zoom with mousewheel in CurrentTime
- Add pointer positions to zoom event
- babel -> babel-loader ?
- Vertical drag and drop needs to be horizontal first
- Release v4.18
- One for the showcase
- Timeline 4.17.0 layout with margin.item.horizontal = 0 is broken
- Bug in TimeStep.prototype.getClassName
- Specify label margins
- Timeline Vertical Scrollbar - scrollbar width not recalculated on browser zoom
- Drag and Drop Timeline for external events drop without mouseposition
- Setting the italian locale not working in timeline Vis
- Timeline: verticalScroll bug 4.17.0 - the content area slides downwards
- Timeline: onUpdate has no effect in 4.17.0
- Timeline onUpdate no longer working in v4.17.0
- Timeline synchronous load in 4.17.0
- Network animation on load
- Timeline issues with vertical scroll and maxHeight 100%
- Nested groups in timeline
- The size of network box could be changed without depending on text
- Make customTime non-draggable
- browserify timeline failed
- Cannot scroll page when zoomKey is enabled
- Get edge's label from editEdge event
- 3DGraph disappears when setSize() is called
- Infinite redraw and scroll jump
- Timeline axis labels disappearing
- Click event reports an error
- data in editEdge
- Graph3d - possible to pan/drag?
- Feature request: add option to have "zoom" and "move" buttons
- How to add html text to label text?
- blurEdge not fired on hoverNode
- Provide original hammer events to the user
- Example that shows how to change cursor on nodes
- editEdge is not called when I select an edge and click on the 'Edit Edge' button.
- graph2d Mobile responsiveness
- [Feature Request] [Timeline] Allow for "rolling mode"
- Feature Request: Add 'Padding' Property to Network Graph Nodes
- How to increase the node width
- Adding font-weight to a node's label
- Drag the Entire 3d graph
- Alter higher level of event's DOM
- Introduce a new item that has two start and two end times.
- HTML tooltips
- Toggle the visibility of groups and subgroups
- Add an 'onHover' event to the timeline