babel -> babel-loader ?
To get my builds building on my work box - a newer mac than my home box, with newer npm stuff (et al.) - I had to change gulpfile.js from loader: 'babel',
to loader: 'babel-loader'
to keep from getting a node error during the build:
... before babel was installed,
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'babel' in ...
after babel was installed,
Error: The node API for 'babel' has been moved to 'babel-core'.
after babel-core was installed,
Error: The node API for 'babel' has been moved to 'babel-core'.
when babel was removed,
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'babel' in ...
During the process I ended up installing some node modules globally, and others just in the vis space. Cleaning the node_modules and installing today, with the loader set to babel, the problem from didn't recur - but it took me a bit to figure out what was giving me the problem before. I can only imagine that I have something set globally now that I hadn't before and I won't see the problem ever again (knocking-on-wood...)
I'm not sure what might be done to bridge the gap (some may break with it, others without) but it's good to know what must be done to fix the problem when it happens.