Bug in TimeStep.prototype.getClassName
I dont find it in forum, and it look like a bug :
TimeStep.prototype.getClassName : case 'day': (and maybe some other)
return 'vis-day' + current.date() + ' vis-' + current.format('MMMM').toLowerCase() + today(current) + currentMonth(current) + this.step <= 2 ? today(current) : '' + this.step <= 2 ? ' vis-' + current.format('dddd').toLowerCase() : '' + even(current.date() - 1);
the first part :
'vis-day' + current.date() + ' vis-' + current.format('MMMM').toLowerCase() + today(current) + currentMonth(current)
is used in condition calculation, and therefore, never added in html
Some bracket may be needed