data in editEdge
Hello, please, could you help me with a little thing? I have the following in the manipulation options:
`editEdge: function (data, callback) {
document.getElementById('operationEdge').innerHTML = "Edit Edge";
document.getElementById('edge-id').value =;
document.getElementById('edge-label').value = data.label;
document.getElementById('edge-title').value = data.title;
document.getElementById('saveEdge').onclick = saveEdgeData.bind(this, data, callback);
document.getElementById('cancelEdge').onclick = cancelEdgeEdit.bind(this, callback);
document.getElementById('edgePopup').style.display = 'block';
My problem is that I want the user also be able to edit the edge label and title. Unfortunately, unlike at editNode, data only consists of id, from and to. No label, no title. Is there a way to get the full edges data at this place?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Best regards!