Legend Icon malformed if group.id is not sorted
since 4.9.0 I had a problem with the legend icons. The bug is only occurring if I specify a drawPoint style, i.e. 'circle' or 'square'. If then the group.id is not sorted in an ascending order, the icons are malformed.
For example:
var groups = new vis.DataSet([ { options: { drawPoints: { style: "circle", styles: "stroke:#0000FF; stroke-width:2;fill:#0000FF" } }, style: "stroke:#0000FF", id: '1_data', content: 'Material 0815-0' }, { options: { drawPoints: { style: "square", styles: "stroke:#FF0000; stroke-width:2;fill:#FF0000" } }, style: "stroke:#FF0000", id: '2_data', content: 'Material 0815-1' } ]);
will work.
var groups = new vis.DataSet([ { options: { drawPoints: { style: "circle", styles: "stroke:#0000FF; stroke-width:2;fill:#0000FF" } }, style: "stroke:#0000FF", id: '2_data', content: 'Material 0815-0' }, { options: { drawPoints: { style: "square", styles: "stroke:#FF0000; stroke-width:2;fill:#FF0000" } }, style: "stroke:#FF0000", id: '1_data', content: 'Material 0815-1' } ]);
wont work. See id: '2_data'/'1_data'.